Ecosystem of Brazil

                                                          ECOSYSTEM OF BRAZIL 

Amazon Forest - The Amazon rainforest, covering much of northwestern Brazil, is a moist broadleaf forest in the Amazon biome that covers most of the Amazon basin of South America.

Atlantic Forest - The Atlantic forest, includes the semicaducifolius seasonal forest, originally, it was the forest of larger latitudinal extension of the planet, ranging from south latitudes of 6 to 32 degrees.

Marshland - The marshland Mato-Grossense is the largest plain of continuous flood on the planet, covered by mainly open vegetation that occupies 1,8% of the national territory.


  1. Hi! It seems like much of Brazil is covered in trees. Does it has any dry areas?

  2. The marshland’s flooding is the same as the seasonal flooding in the Amazon basin?
    And good idea to add images, it makes more clear the information.

  3. The rainforest shelters are the largest variety of plants species in the world, but it is said that most of the rain forest soil is not rich. Why is this?

  4. Great information, but are there different ecosystems?

  5. Hi your blog it is interesting you have a good information, I did not knew about the Atlantic Forest so I learned something new


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