Historians and scientists have discovered that communities of people were living in what is now known as Brazil as long as 8 000 years ago. Thes first traceable human beings were nomadic and semi-nomadic people who are believed to have come from parts of Asia in search of abundant hunting grounds. They were called Indians by the Portuguese, when this European nation eventually arrived. To get to South America from Asia, they had to cross the Pacific Ocean.

Individual indigenous tribes and settlements numbered around 2 000 when the Portuguese first discovered Brazil, as it came to be known. When these Europeans arrived in the 16th century, they found themselves amidst a people that practiced cannibalism, were involved in tribal warfare and would fight for the popular brazilwood tree for its valuable red dye. Therefore, these new arrivals felt it was necessary to "civilize" the natives. They also immediately began to indulge in sexual relations with these ones, creating a very mixed culture which remains one of the characteristics of the country to this day.
      M .                                                               


  1. Hi Warlin, I see you wanted to talk about the history of Brazil, good! Remember to write the source from where you got the information. Another suggestion, try to give an introduction of what your blog or your articles will be about. Try that your readers feel welcomed.

  2. Um, hello, I’m Silva, and I have a question. Why the red dye of the brazilwood was so important for the Europeans and native Americans?

    1. I don't know, but the presence of valuable wood attracted Portuguese merchants, who soon obtained real commercial concessions, and French businessmen who could not resist the temptation to benefit from the Brazilian timber trade with the Tupinamba Indians of the Brazilian coast.

    2. Hi Silva, I’m Ivana and i think this is why red dye was so important. Brazilwood was prized at this time in Europe for the distinctive color of its wood and a red dye it produced. Its discovery by European merchants sparked a fever of harvesting. Key in the harvest of brazilwood were the Tupí people, the natives of Brazils southern coast, with whom Europeans traded for their labor or, more common as demand grew, whom they coerced or enslaved.

    3. That really cleared my mind. Thanks for the information!

  3. I think that the brazilwood was important for the Europeans for the same thing like that tree that grows in Belize, that a pirate them to Europe for ink

  4. I was reading your post and I didn’t know about that new arrivals indulge in sexual relations with the natives because the wanted to create a mixed culture. Can you tell me more! Because it’s very interesting

  5. Hi, i’m Ana Lucia.
    I have a question for you, Do you know if there is a name for the mixed race of the Europeans and the natives? And if you do, How is it called?

    P.D.= I really liked your blog because of the amount of information you gave. I would love if you could mark the most important parts of the paragraph so it’s easier to read.

    1. Hi Ana, I’m Ivana and yes there is a name for the mixed race which it’s “mixed blood”
      is most often employed for individuals of mixed European and Native American ancestry.
      Thank you for your comment we will take it in count.

    2. Thank you very much for solving my question, Ivana.
      Have a wonderful day.

  6. I was reading this blog and it’s very interesting the information that this blog have , a lot of parts of the blog get my attention because I think that the information that you have is very complete but you would add more pictures , but in general all the blog have complete and interesting information .
    Congratulations you have a nice blog !

  7. Hi i’m Adriana and I would like to add that the first European to colonize what is now the Federative Republic of Brazil on the continent of South America was Pedro Álvares Cabral.
    I like your blog why it is a short summary of the most important of the beginning of the history of brazil!^-^

  8. Hi! So i was reading about how the mixed culture is important to the country, can you tell me now how important does it’s now? and how does it characterize the country?

  9. Well I think that brazilwood is very important for the Europeans because they extract materials that they need, so I learn a lot of diferents things


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